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3D Earth
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3D Earth

A look at the Earth with a day and night perspective. Created using texture images provided by NASA. Created in Blender 2.61.
Download with DisplayFusion
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  • Use a different image on each monitor or span one image scross all monitors
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Original Image: 3840 x 2160


2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

2 Monitors

iPhone 6+

iPhone 6

iPhone 5, 5C, 5S (iOS 6-)

iPhone 4S with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPhone 4, 4S

iPhone 3G, 3GS

iPad Mini with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPad Mini with Retina (iOS 6-)

iPad Mini

iPad Air (iOS 7+)

iPad Air (iOS 6-)

iPad with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPad with Retina (iOS 6-)


iPod Touch Gen 5

iPod Touch Gen 4

iPod Touch Gen 1, 2, 3

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

1 Monitor

iPhone 6+

iPhone 6

iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, 6SE (iOS 7+)

iPhone 5, 5C, 5S (iOS 6-)

iPhone 4S with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPhone 4, 4S

iPhone 3G, 3GS

iPad Mini with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPad Mini with Retina (iOS 6-)

iPad Mini

iPad Air (iOS 7+)

iPad Air (iOS 6-)

iPad with Retina (iOS 7+)

iPad with Retina (iOS 6-)


iPod Touch Gen 5 (iOS 7+)

iPod Touch Gen 5

iPod Touch Gen 4

iPod Touch Gen 1, 2, 3

Facebook Cover Photo (851x315)Cover Photo

Twitter Header Image (1252x626)Header Image

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MAUREEN GLEESON's profile on
Very good
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@DLJunkie: If you use the "Download with DisplayFusion" button you can do a 2x2 setup. We don't provide the 4 sliced pieces separately yet, we're still working on the UI for that. It's a bit tricky. :)
DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Correct me if I am wrong. If I got this right the software isn't able to do 2x2 setups yet? 2 on top & 2 underneath. This would look nice like that I bet. (Not that I have more then just 2) :)
Patrick Kenzie (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John, thanks for pointing this out! We'll take a look at how we handle four monitor images and see if we can get that fixed up :)
John Fitzpatrick's profile on
Thanks for posting this picture, but it is improperly categorized as a 1 screen background. This is designed and used to span 4 monitors in a 2x2 setup.
Published:September 2, 2012
Monitors:2 monitors2 monitors
Rating: 4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars
(36 ratings)
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John Fitzpatrick's profile on
John Fitzpatrick's profile on

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