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member since August 2012
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Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Fish Puppets'
Fish puppets on strings against a blue background, with a green tadpole staring at them.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'The Mona Lisa'
A cropped imaged of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Coloured Waves'
Multicoloured lines and waves on a black background.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Barracuda'
The badge from a red Plymouth Barracuda.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Mass Effect 3'
Cover poster for the video game Mass Effect 3.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Green Room'
Striving for a simple modern style.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'The Rock'
This rock stands on a black beach in the volcanic area of southern Iceland.
Sep 12, 2012
A photo of a Northrop Grumman Firebird OPV flying.
Sep 12, 2012
A close up of a water droplet on a needle.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Two Fish'
Two fish swimming across your screen.
Sep 12, 2012
A shot of the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG speeding along the track.
Sep 12, 2012
Created 'Over the City'
A figure overlooking the city, with an artistic filter on the image.
Aug 17, 2012
Running through the woods, in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Aug 17, 2012
Created 'The Colosseum'
Overlooking the Colosseum.
Aug 17, 2012
In a field, in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Aug 17, 2012
Running down the path, in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Aug 17, 2012
In the city, in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Aug 17, 2012
Looking down the path through a field.
Aug 17, 2012
Overlooking the Keswick valley in England.
Aug 17, 2012
Looking at a massive crater on the moon.
Aug 17, 2012
A lone barn set against the glow of a sunset.
Aug 17, 2012
A shark looking for its next meal.
Aug 17, 2012
Front emblem and headlight from a classic orange Volvo.
Aug 17, 2012
A close-up view of Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun.
Aug 17, 2012
Created 'Green Goop'
Green goop being poured and splashing.
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