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WallpaperFusion Pro Member
member since February 2013
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Feb 18, 2022
Created 'Alien World'
A methane atmosphere unbreathable by us but our data shows something is there... but who? Created in Unreal Engine 4.27.2.
Feb 18, 2022
Created 'Ski This'
Inaccessible, unforgiveable ahh but the reward for skiing where no one has ever gone before well except me when I was creating this in Unreal Engine 4.27.2.
Feb 16, 2022
Created 'Snowy Mountains'
You have hiked all day just for this a snow capped wind swept view as the sun sinks over the edge of the world... what?? Oh Yes Created in Unreal engine 4.27.2 with a free terrain mesh from turbosquid and a lof of fun playing with volumetric clouds animating them even.
Feb 8, 2022
Rated 'Cyberworld'
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Feb 8, 2022
Marked 'Cyberworld' as a favourite
Oct 14, 2016
Marked 'Star Citizen Drake Race Map' as a favourite
Oct 14, 2016
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Feb 22, 2013
Angel figure that looks like it was made out of silver.
Feb 20, 2013
Marked 'Star Citizen: Squadron 42' as a favourite
Feb 20, 2013
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Feb 20, 2013
Marked 'Firebird' as a favourite
Feb 20, 2013
Commented on 'Firebird'
"I hear ya this was done several years back and I will be doing new hi resolution wallpapers soon"
Feb 17, 2013
Created 'Firebird'
Created entirely in Photoshop by using media brushes and painting as if I was using oil paints.
User Image
Feb 12, 2013
Kinetic joined WallpaperFusion.
web developer, Hosting Co. Owner animation and sound production too this place was made for me mmmmm Epic......

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