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WallpaperFusion Pro Member
member since August 2012
User Image
Mar 21, 2017
Snow overtaking a tiki torch.
Jan 23, 2017
Snow overtaking a tiki torch.
Sep 2, 2012
Submitted 'Green Ripples'
Abstract image of green ripples.
Sep 2, 2012
Submitted 'Wet Screen'
A photo of a rain dripping down a screen.
Sep 2, 2012
Submitted 'Star Destroyer'
A Star Destoyer from the movie Star Wars.
Sep 2, 2012
Submitted 'Half Moon'
A view of the moon coming up over a lake.
Aug 30, 2012
Submitted 'Angry Lion'
A female lion bearing her teeth.
Aug 30, 2012
Submitted 'The World'
The continents spread out flat.
Aug 28, 2012
Submitted 'Ladybug'
A beautiful close-up of a ladybug.
Aug 28, 2012
Submitted 'Planet 81'
Mountains of a different planet.
Aug 28, 2012
Submitted 'Crone'
An artist's rendering of organized chaos.
Aug 28, 2012
Submitted 'Future City'
A computer generated image of a futuristic city.
Aug 23, 2012
Submitted 'Halo 2'
A drawn aerial Halo scene.
Aug 23, 2012
Submitted 'Frozen Terrain'
A calming picture of snow covered terrain.
Aug 23, 2012
Submitted 'Scarlet'
A nice mix of colors.
Aug 23, 2012
Submitted 'Snowy Mountains'
Snow covered mountains.
User Image
Aug 23, 2012
upbeatchris joined WallpaperFusion.

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