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We're very excited to announce the official release of our new mobile game, Jigsaw Puzzles by WallpaperFusion.

Jigsaw Puzzles by WallpaperFusion brings classic jigsaw puzzle fun to a wide variety of devices, including iOS, Android, and Windows Phone! Access over 3,500 puzzle images, choose from multiple difficulty levels, save images for offline use, and much more!

Jigsaw Puzzles has the following features (items in bold text are available in Jigsaw Puzzles+ only):

  • Access over 3,500 puzzle images provided by WallpaperFusion
  • Choose from 4 difficulty levels: Beginner [3x3], Easy [5x5], Medium [8x8] and Hard [12x12]
  • Save puzzle images for offline use (like on an airplane)
  • Mark images as favourites on WallpaperFusion and quickly access them in the puzzle app
  • Rate WallpaperFusion images out of 5 stars
  • Track your puzzle completions using your WallpaperFusion account (completely free)
  • Earn Reputation Points by completing puzzles and compete on the monthly WallpaperFusion points ladder
  • Completely Ad-Free
  • Use hints to help you solve puzzles

A full comparison of both Jigsaw Puzzles Free and Jigsaw Puzzles+, along with links to the desktop and mobile apps, is available here:



Puzzle Selection
Puzzle Selection
Easy Puzzle [5x5]
Easy Puzzle [5x5]
Medium Puzzle [8x8]
Medium Puzzle [8x8]
Completed Puzzle
Completed Puzzle
Jan 28, 2014  • #1
User Image
Dorothy Makinson
1 discussion post
New to fusion = enjoyed free puzzles but would like smaller pieces - guess I just didn't find how as yet
Feb 14, 2014  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the Free version, the smallest pieces are in the 8x8 puzzles. Jigsaw Puzzles+ has an additional 12x12 puzzle size :)
Feb 14, 2014  • #3
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