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We're very excited to announce that JigsawMania has been updated on Android! JigsawMania (formerly Jigsaw Puzzles by WallpaperFusion) lets you work on puzzles from the thousands of images available on WallpaperFusion!

JigsawMania Highlights

  • New name and logo
  • New settings available, including the ability to hide completed puzzles
  • Two-factor authentication now supported
  • A few other minor fixes and improvements

JigsawMania Screenshots and Videos

Puzzle Selection
Puzzle Selection
JigsawMania Settings
JigsawMania Settings
64 Piece Puzzle
64 Piece Puzzle
144 Piece Puzzle
144 Piece Puzzle
Dec 11, 2017  • #1
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Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're not taking the ability to play on PC away at all. I'm able to login without any issues. Are you using the game in your web browser, or the app from the Windows Store?
Dec 21, 2017  • #3
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Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! We've found the issue and will have it fixed up today or tomorrow at the latest.
Dec 21, 2017  • #5
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This post is being moderated. The contents of the post will be visible within 24 hours.
This post is being moderated. The contents of the post will be visible within 24 hours.
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Should be all fixed up now :)
Dec 21, 2017  • #9
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izann's profile on
I was finally able to log in to the browser app when I changed my password to eliminate all special characters. But now when I try to work a "hard difficulty" puzzle, I get the message, "Sorry, you must upgrade to JigsawMania Pro to play on hard difficulty". I already own the Jigsaw Puzzles+ app on my Mac and Jigsaw Mania Pro on my Android phone. I'm not sure how to upgrade in order to work hard difficulty puzzles on the browser version. Also, I'm wondering what is required for a user to be listed as "pro" on Wallpaper Fusion.
Feb 10, 2018  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The web version is only available as the free version, but if you email us at, we can send over an installable Pro version, since you've already purchased it on other platforms.

The Pro tag shows up if you own a DisplayFusion Pro license :)

Feb 13, 2018  • #12
izann's profile on
The Pro tag shows up if you own a DisplayFusion Pro license :)

Ah! That explains why I couldn't figure the "Pro" out, since I didn't check out apps that were irrelevant to my setup. Thanks!
Feb 14, 2018  • #13
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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry about that! It should be working as expected now. :)
Nov 15, 2021  • #15
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