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Travis Hoff34762
2 discussion posts
As soon as I downloaded/purchased DisplayFusion, I had a lot of issues. Initially I thought that it was specific to DisplayFusion itself and how long it took to loade, etc. But within only a day, I started running into so many issues. Can anybody check these out and tell me if its normal? According to task manager, the program eats up 80% of my RAM. Please read thiws in it's entirety before contending my RAM issue. I use a lot of large projects on Illustrator and Photoshop, sometimes multiple simultaneously and Starcraft going all at once and my computer doesn't slow the slitest bit. Installed DisplayFusion and my computer comes to a near grinding holt.
1. - A lot of open programs, documents, and folders will not show on taskbar of Monitor 1. I have to go to monitors 1 or 2 to bring up desired open program, document, and/or folder.
2. - Images take 2-3mins to load into Display fusion pro Desktop Wallpaper. Applying the desire image takes equally as long, if not longer, and then closing the application window take equally as long. so, a 6-10 min procossess to switch one wallpaper.
3. - Transferring and deleting files is a nightmare. If its a transfer cut and paste, then I do the process (ctrl+x > ctrl+v) but nothing happens. No progress bar, nothing. I have to refresh the window for the "from" folder and "to" folder. The transfers are not instant, they take around 1 minute to execcute. Deleting files are far worse. The'res usually a [rogress bar, but there is not progress reflected. Usually it immediately says "Complete" even though there is no green, and I cannot close the the progress dialogue window, it'll say "not responding". When I go to the folder that the file was stored, the file still shows as being present until I hit refresh. Sometimes It still shows as present, implying the delete process isn't complete, even after 1-2mins.
4. - Closing windows for programs, documents, etc also take a very long time to close, usually getting the "not responding" error for a good 1min or so.
5. - When I restart the computer, one of the monitors are not recognised by the computer. Unother words, the monitor doesn't recognize an input/source at all. And then monitor 1 is blank, with no background.
Again, my computer was running perfectly smooth before installing this program, and I run resource intensive Illustrator and photoshop projects, as well as games.
Oct 20, 2022 (modified Oct 20, 2022)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
All of those issues sound like they could be a symptom of general performance issues. If you open the Windows Task Manager and switch to the Details tab, what percentage CPU is DisplayFusion using?
Oct 21, 2022  • #2
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Travis Hoff34762
2 discussion posts
Ya, I agree... but not my PC Performance.
Illustrator (with 3 large 300mb projects open) - 1%
Photoshop - 1%
Google Chrome (7 Tabs open) 4.3%
Media Player Classic - 0.1
Displayfusion - 89%
Uninstalled DisplayFusion, went back to WallpaperEngine, Computer workin perfectly smooth again.
Oct 23, 2022  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah, by "general performance issues" I meant DisplayFusion specifically.

Were you using the "My Videos" wallpaper provider with DisplayFusion?
Oct 26, 2022  • #4
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