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Note: The promotion referenced in this post has ended.

It's been over a month since we launched WallpaperFusion, and the response has been overwhelming! We have had thousands of image submissions, and we've given away dozens of free DisplayFusion Pro licenses. The contest points system has been a bit confusing for everyone (including us), so we've decided to simplify it a bit. To qualify for a free DisplayFusion Pro license, you just need to have at least 600 reputation points and have 5 published images or more of any size. This should allow you to track your eligibility more easily, as well as making it easier for us to keep track.

We have added 'Pending' and 'Rejected' tabs to your member profile page, so you can easily track your submissions and see comments from the moderators. We try to stay in contact as much as possible, but with the incredible number of submissions this has been quite difficult. We appologize for any image publishing delays, we're working as fast as we can. :)

We have some exciting new things planned for the near future, like mobile apps and amazing DisplayFusion integration, so stay tuned!

Sep 10, 2012  • #1
DLJunkie's profile on
I'm ready for a second free DisplayFusion Pro license. We only have 1 PC with more then 1 monitor at home. Can I give it to the wife to take to work? Or a friend in Canada? (In case her I.T. dept. won't let her install it)
Sep 21, 2012  • #2
exone's profile on
I've created and uploaded 6 quadra-monitor wallpapers specific for this site, and there's more to come. How would I go about getting that license? Just asking :)

Looking forward to the new stuff!
Will the "mobile apps" be Android or iOS? Or both? :)
Sep 23, 2012  • #3
User Image
Peter Brigham1
7 discussion posts
How long is the waiting period for approval at the moment?
Sep 24, 2012  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@DLJunkie: Yes, you can give away your extra licenses if you aren't going to use them. :)

@Exone: We're working on the Android app right now, trying to have it done for next month. Stay tuned!

@Peter: The delay time is about 2 days right now, we're still getting a landslide of images everyday to sort through. :)
Sep 24, 2012  • #5
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Peter Brigham1
7 discussion posts
Thanks for the info Jon, looking forward to seeing if any of my images are up to par :)
Sep 24, 2012  • #6
phillip A's profile on
Hey Jon, will we get our pro license via email, or how do we go about that?
Sep 25, 2012  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Phillip: You will receive it by email, and you should have received it by the time you read this comment. :)
Sep 26, 2012  • #8
Kee Yai's profile on
How do we set how many monitors an image is for? You guys approved an 8000x5000 image as for just one monitor.
Sep 27, 2012  • #9
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Howard Johnson1
1 discussion post
When does the license get reviewed when you hit the 600 mark?
Sep 27, 2012  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Kee: We'll take a look at that. It's usually based on the aspect ratio, but we can override that.

@Howard: Your license is on it's way, you should have it by the time you read this comment. :)
Sep 27, 2012  • #11
Martin Larsson's profile on
perhaps you can take a look at mine as in the case of kee...the original size should be worth more than a one monitor category. Also my newly sent images also get registered as one monitor even though they should be big enough to be considered dual monitors
Sep 28, 2012  • #12
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Peter Brigham1
7 discussion posts
Thanks for the license guys, this is one of my new favourite sites :D
Sep 30, 2012  • #13
VoodooMonkeys' profile on
This shall be a challenge. Trying to get both the licences in a few days. So we must have 600+ rep and 5 images per licence? Correct?
Oct 3, 2012  • #14
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@VoodooMonkeys: That is correct. :)
Oct 4, 2012  • #15
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Peter Brigham1
7 discussion posts
Just a quick question about the 2nd license available - is that 1200 pts and 10 images? or is there more criteria??
Oct 4, 2012  • #16
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Peter Brigham1
7 discussion posts
Nevermind I've had the 2nd one through now :D thanks guys!
Oct 4, 2012  • #17
VoodooMonkeys' profile on
I'm guessing its impossible to get one now, your confirmations are taking way to long, oh well, shouldn't of been so late to the party. I will be here sooner next time, if there is one.
Oct 5, 2012  • #18
Andrew Blunt's profile on
I am interested in the Display Fusion key I have 7 submissions and over 700 rep~!
Oct 5, 2012  • #19
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Andrew: It looks like you hit 600 rep 10 days ago and a license was sent out. If you have any issues receiving it, we can send it to an alternate email address if needed. Also, you can see your licenses here:
Oct 5, 2012  • #20
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@VoodooMonkeys: Don't worry, we extended the promotion to give us time to get caught-up. We're working as fast as we can over here. :)
Oct 5, 2012  • #21
Savvy Rainbow's profile on
Are licenses being awarded based on submission date or approval date?
Oct 17, 2012  • #22
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Licenses are being awarded based on the submission date, don't worry. If any images get rejected, we'll also extend the deadline for you to re-submit as well. It's a completely stress-free promotion! :)
Oct 17, 2012  • #23
Savvy Rainbow's profile on
@Jon thank you for the quick reply :)
Oct 17, 2012  • #24
Joao Campos' profile on
600! I did it! Ahhhh that feeling... :)

So now we just wait for the license in the mail or is there another step involved?
Oct 19, 2012  • #25
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Joao: You're license is on it's way. :)
Oct 19, 2012  • #26
gw_nys' profile on
I have had some images rejected that I thought would pass, but I know a couple were because they were too similar to others I submitted. But some rejections I just didn't understand, but I'll go back through them and see what went wrong. I think you stopped taking images a couple days ago and even though they wont count I'd still like to correct whatever problems I find and submit them again to make them available to every one.

I have cleared the 600 points mark, even though some photos were rejected look forward to my license; and have been passing the word to friends who also use multiple display systems about all the features and the multiple task bars. I love being able to pin icons to a particular bar and have the program open on whatever display I click the icon on, it comes in handy... a lot! Thanks for all the features! Been using a multiple display setup since before many people even had a computer; back in the early Windows 98 era! I cant remember if I had it on Win95, but probably not.

Even though the "points for pictures" program is over I hope I can still submit photos occasion.

Looking forward to the Pro License, thanks so much for the trade!
Oct 22, 2012  • #27
Joao Campos' profile on
I LOVE your software. I had one of your competitors installed (can you say AMM?), which although it appears to have a larger feature count, positively PALES (I had written another word but this one is more PC) when compared to DisplayFusion. Maybe less features (allegedly), but they certainly work MUCH better. Thanks for the license 3.
Oct 22, 2012  • #28
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@gw_nys: Your license has been sent, thanks for all the excellent images!

@Joao: Thank you for the support! :)
Oct 22, 2012  • #29
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